We have noticed that you are using vBulletin on your website ThetHack and are unable to locate a license for you in our records. If you currently have a vBulletin license, we would greatly appreciate your providing it to us, along with your contact information, so that we may update our records. You can send this information to us via email at [email protected] or give us a call at 1-877-326-6444.
If you do not have a license, we would invite you to visit vBulletin 5 Connect, The World's Leading Community Software and purchase a license to use on your website.
If for any reason you do not have a license and do not wish to purchase one, we would ask that you discontinue using vBulletin at this time. Utilizing an unlicensed version of vBulletin is illegal and we sincerely hope that is not the case in this instance.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
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